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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wooden Scroll Saw

Imagine you're at a craft fair, selling some of your creations. You'll get some traffic, sure. But what if you brought your scroll saw with you and demonstrated your techniques. You'll get a lot more traffic. But imagine pulling out a homemade, foot-powered scroll saw made with various hardwoods and polished to a high sheen. Think of the crowds! Even if you didn't do craft fairs, it would still be really cool to have a scroll saw you created with your own two hands! Well, Michael Martin (aka Nailbender) has come to the rescue with this great set of plans to build your very own wooden scroll saw. You'll end up with a showpiece that will draw a lot of oohs and ahs.

Michael offers these plans for free off his website. The plans are broken up into two PDF's for easier downloading. He has plenty of instructions, diagrams and photos to make construction that much easier. Check it out. Very cool!

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