Scroll Saw Goodies Has Moved!

Scroll Saw Goodies has expanded to offer even more goodies! Scroll Saw Goodies continues to post regular blog updates to highlight tips, tricks, tutorials, and free scroll saw patterns found on the web. Please join us at

Happy Scrolling!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Feature: Book Of The Week

I love books. I read mostly informational/how-to books, but I love 'em! So, I'm always on the lookout for new books to add to my library. The great thing about the scroll sawing hobby, there is no shortage of books to look at. So I thought I'd start a new feature on this blog. Introducing, Book Of The Week. But wait, Travis, you already have Book Of The Week. While it is true that I have highlighted a new book each week for the last 17 weeks, it wasn't a regular blog feature. You'll still be able to find the Book of the Week in the upper right corner of the website, but in addition, I'll write a quick article each week talking about that book. I'm hoping to expose my dear readers to a wide variety of resources for scrollers, as well as archiving these recommendations for future readers.

What kind of books do I cover? I'm glad you asked. I cover a wide variety of books I feel you may be interested in. I cover pattern books, intarsia, clipart, business books for crafters and the list goes on! I hope you enjoy this new feature and I invite you to take a look at the previous Books of the Week.

Happy reading!

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