Scroll Saw Goodies Has Moved!

Scroll Saw Goodies has expanded to offer even more goodies! Scroll Saw Goodies continues to post regular blog updates to highlight tips, tricks, tutorials, and free scroll saw patterns found on the web. Please join us at

Happy Scrolling!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Scroll Saw Goodies Podcast!

I'm rather pleased and excited to announce the Scroll Saw Goodies Podcast! What is a podcast? A podcast is like a radio show for the internet. We'll be discussing all things related to this wonderful hobby of ours. You can listen to the podcast by clicking the POD icon above or by clicking here. If you have iTunes, you can subscribe by copying and pasting the RSS feed url at the bottom of the page, or by clicking here. It'll take a little time before Scroll Saw Goodies podcast is listed in the iTunes directory, but as soon as it does, I'll make a convenient subscription button that will do the work for you.

This podcast is episode 0. It's mostly an introduction to podcasts, what to do with them. I'll also introduce you to the Scroll Saw Goodies podcast and let you know what you can expect from future episodes. It's a short one, running about 10 minutes. I'll post the first official episode tomorrow! So keep an eye out for that!

Listen to Episode 0 - An Introduction to Podcast and Scroll Saw Goodies Podcast

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