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Monday, April 28, 2008

Vintage Scroll Saw Patterns

New scroll techniques and styles are always popping up. We're constantly pushing the boundaries of what we can do with this great tool. But instead of constantly looking forward, what about looking backwards for a bit? The scroll saw (fret saw) has been around for centuries. What was popular back then?

Richard Preator of Peculiar Fretworks has been preserving and restoring vintage scroll saw patterns from the late 1800's and early 1900's. He finds old patterns from antique magazines and books, and carefully scans and restores each pattern. He makes these patterns available through his website. He has a lot of projects to choose from, from furniture to picture frames. He also has several free restored patterns he has made available! Take a look. And be sure to take some time to browse through his site. He has some really great stuff.

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