Scroll Saw Goodies Has Moved!

Scroll Saw Goodies has expanded to offer even more goodies! Scroll Saw Goodies continues to post regular blog updates to highlight tips, tricks, tutorials, and free scroll saw patterns found on the web. Please join us at

Happy Scrolling!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Geno's Scroll Saw Blog

I love blogs and blogging. Its a great sneak peak into some one's lives to see what they're up to. I especially love blogs related to my interests. Geno is a scroller and woodworker from the Adirondack Mountains of NY. He runs a scroll saw blog that he posts to several times a month. He posts his latest woodworking and scroll saw projects with some thoughts on each project. I've been reading his blog for several months now and really enjoy seeing new posts. If you get a chance, swing on by and check it out. It's a great way to pass time when you really should be working!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Travis,
Thank you. I also am a fan of your Blog. I check it out frequently to see the new ideas. I enjoy reading all I can about Scrolling. you have a very nice and informative Blog. Keep up the great work. thanks again. Geno

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