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Happy Scrolling!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Do You Tweet?

This morning, I jumped on the Twitter bandwagon. Twitter is a micro-blogging tool that answers the question, "What are you doing?" The posts are limited to a mere 140 characters and is namely used for basic updates on what you're doing or thinking at that moment. A lot of woodworkers in the woodworking community stay in contact with each other via Twitter. They share ideas, new projects and get advice. Perhaps us scrollers could do the same! Think about it. A network of scroll saw enthusiasts sharing their next project, answering questions, and ranting about how the fast food drive-through forgot your fries again!
Stop by the Twitter website and check out their video. It explains the concept of Twitter very well. After you watch the video, sign up and start tweeting! I've added my Twitter feed to the sidebar. You can also follow my Twitter feed by clicking here. Be sure to let me know what your user name is so I can follow you too! Tweet On!

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