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Monday, October 6, 2008

ep02 - Choosing A Scroll Saw

Choosing the right scroll saw for you is an important decision. It can really make or break your enjoyment of this great hobby. Knowing what to look for is half the battle. In this episode, I cover a few things to look for when choosing your next scroll saw.

Here are a few helpful resources I found when researching this episode:

  • The New Scroll Saw Handbook by Patrick Spielman - A must-own book for every scroller. This will tell you everything you could possibly want to know about the scroll saw. Highly recommended.
  • Rick Hutcheson's website has a lot of great information about scroll saws, including a nice article called "Choosing a saw."
  • SAW (Scroll Saw Association of the World) also has a great article called "Choosing A Saw."
  • The Home Depot has a pretty good buying guide for scroll saws.
  • has a nice article "Beginner's Guide To the Scrollsaw" with a specific section on choosing a scroll saw.
I recorded this episode last week, but the sheer amount of information provided required a lot more editing time than I expected. This episode runs about 35 minutes. I used a higher compression when making the MP3. So the sound quality may not be as good as last time, but the file size is 8 megs as opposed to 42. This will save you a lot of download time and save me a lot of bandwidth. Let me know if this isn't something you can live with. I can tweek my settings until most everybody is happy. Anyway, on with the show!

Listen to ep02 - Choosing A Scroll Saw

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