Scroll Saw Goodies Has Moved!

Scroll Saw Goodies has expanded to offer even more goodies! Scroll Saw Goodies continues to post regular blog updates to highlight tips, tricks, tutorials, and free scroll saw patterns found on the web. Please join us at

Happy Scrolling!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Where'd He Go?

Sometimes life gets in the way of your hobbies. I've been renovating my basement in a desperate attempt to beat my in-law's vacation to our humble abode. I've been working nonstop to create a comfortable space for them, which leaves very little time to enjoy my hobbies. But fret not. I haven't quit. I'll be back in the saddle before you know it, bringing you many more Scroll Saw Goodies. Until then, I invite you to look through past entries in SSG. There is so many great projects, tips and tutorials to keep you entertained for quite some time.

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