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Monday, June 16, 2008

Woven Box With Bead Accents

There's no doubt. My favorite blog is Scroll Saw Blog written by David at Tuliptree Crafts. Its on my daily read list and I look forward to each entry. He has so many clever ideas. What I like most about his blog is that he writes while he develops these ideas into a final piece. So you get a chance to witness a pattern come together from idea to prototype to final product. It may take a couple of days, or it might take a couple of weeks. But it's always a fun journey.

David's been working on a woven box pattern. We've seen these before, but what makes his unique is the incorporation of beads into these boxes. Plus, in order to save lumber and money, he has broken each level into 4 strips/sides. Most woven designs I have come across uses a solid piece of wood for each level, which has a lot of waste. David has made his pattern available to those who would like to try their hand at this beaded/woven box (called The Evealle). Check it out. And be sure to read his previous posts on how he developed this pattern. Very interesting reading!

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