Scroll Saw Goodies Has Moved!

Scroll Saw Goodies has expanded to offer even more goodies! Scroll Saw Goodies continues to post regular blog updates to highlight tips, tricks, tutorials, and free scroll saw patterns found on the web. Please join us at

Happy Scrolling!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Scrollin4Fun Patterns

I'm always on the lookout for great patterns to add to my cut list. When I saw the patterns created by Scrollin4Fun, I knew I was in the right place. I remember coming across his patterns on MyPhotoAlbum. I asked him if it would be OK for me to point my readers to his wonderful patterns. He said to hold off for awhile, as he was looking for a better solution to distribute his patterns. Well, it looks like he found that solution. He is now distributing his patterns via Blogger. He has a handful of patterns already moved over. They are presented in JPG format for easy scaling. You can still find some of his older patterns on his MyPhotoAlbum site. Check them out. I'm sure you'll add one or two or 10 to your cut list!

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