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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Stretch Those Cutting Muscles

As a dad with a 1 year old boy and a husband with a honey-do list a mile long, its tough for me to spend some quality time with my scroll saw. Typically, I can only get in a couple hours a week. The problem with scroll sawing, like any other skill, you have to keep doing it or else you lose your 'knack.' When I finally able to sit down at my saw, it takes me awhile to get back into the groove of things. My lines are wobbly, and my corners are far from sharp. But, with little frustration, a few choice words, I finally get back into my cutting groove.

Wouldn't it be nice to stretch those cutting muscles before jumping into the game? GrayBeard Phil of SSWC forums has put together a nice exercise. Just print it out and stick it to some scrap wood. Before you sit down and work on your next masterpiece, use this practice sheet to get back into your cutting mode. It only takes a few minutes, and you won't risk ruining your project with sloppy corners and wobbly lines.

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