Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Scroll Saw Goodies!

Scroll Saw Goodies turns 1 years old today! Can you believe it? Time really flies when you're having fun. It has been a great ride and I look forward to what the next year will bring. I want to thank all of you that have taken time to read this blog. I had a great time looking at your galleries, your projects and ideas. What started off as a way to bookmark some of the great scrolling resources I have come across has quickly become a great resource in it's own right. I have written 213 articles (as of this post) covering a wide assortment of topics and information for scroll sawyers. From tips to tutorials, galleries to new ideas and inspiration. Lets not forget the free scroll saw patterns! Hundreds and hundreds of free patterns available at your fingertips. I have highlighted fantastic books and hand picked a lot of great products I believe my readers would like (available in the SSg estore). I started a new podcast for scrollers that I hope will become a great resource as well. I even have a few other ideas in the works that I hope the scrolling community will really enjoy. But you'll have to wait! ;)

Ahhh. What a year. I must have done something right, because a lot of you have really enjoyed what we have to offer. Here's a few numbers for you statistics hounds out there.

  • 33,473 Visitors to the website.
  • 21,637 Are new visitors.
  • 11,836 Are returning visitors.
  • 97,214 Total page views.
  • 184 Subscribers to the email updates.

  • 63% are from the US
  • 8% are from Canada
  • 4% are from the UK
  • 3% are from France
  • 2% are from Australia
  • 1% are from Germany
  • 1% from Italy
  • 1% from Spain
  • 1% from Brazil
  • 1% from Netherlands
  • The rest come from pretty much everywhere else you can imagine.

  • 82% speak English
  • 5% speak French
  • 3% speak Spanish
  • 2% speak German
  • 1% speak Portuguese
  • 1% speak Italian
  • 1% speak Dutch
  • 1% speak Turkish
  • There are a lot of other languages, but too many to list.
Here's to the next year! Continuing to provide even more Scroll Saw Goodies! Now lets eat some cake!


  1. Congrats Travis. Keep cranking out those great posts.

    Steve Good

  2. Congratulations Travis.
    Keep being a reference.

    Abd El Ghani -realfEZ- AZZI

  3. I'm pretty sure you know how I feel. Congratulations. Its been one helluva year! Keep up the great work and inspiring posts!


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