Thursday, December 20, 2007


The internet is a wonderful thing. There is so much information available at your fingertips. Email is more common than phone calls anymore. So it only makes sense to build your own website. I plan on writing several articles about building easy websites to show off your creations to online communities, or to direct your potential customers to.

The first free service I want to discuss is the page you are looking at now; Blogger. Scroll Saw Goodies is a blog hosted by Blogger.

What is a blog? Blog is short for web-log. Think of it as an online journal where you can write down your thoughts quickly and easily. Blogger has a back-end interface where you compose your blog entries. It has tools that work much like a word processing program. Font, size, style, spell check, etc. You can upload your own pictures and make links to other websites with ease. And with a click of a button, your blog entry is made live for the public to see.

To make your blog unique, you can easily cusomize the look. There are quite a few templates you can choose from to suit your tastes. Colors are easily changed. You can arrange the features of the website with a simple drag-and-drop. And if you are comfortable with HTML code, the code can be changed with ease.

Blogger is a great way to start your online presence. Its easy to use and customize. And best of all, its free! You can create a blog to showcase your work like I have done with Woodworks By Travis. You can create a blog like this one, to distribute information. Steve at Scroll Saw Workshop uses his to distribute free patterns. Or, like David at Scroll Saw Blog, you can just share your thought about scroll sawing to those who would listen.

If you run into any problems with Blogger, let me know and I can help you out. I have been using it for years. I'd be happy to help if you get stuck.

If you have a blog related to scroll sawing that is hosted by Blogger, please post your link in the comments area for others to see. It would be a great way to get traffic to your blog and show others what can be done with this great service.


  1. I can't tell you how grateful I am for Blogger. Illustrating and writing silly poems has opened a whole new world for me.

    I can't do much of anything else these days, and no one is depending on my illos, so I just draw when I can and upload when they're done.

    I've met more folks than I can count...and not just illustrators. I find myself coming across folks of so many different interests and talents.

    I love this place!

  2. August of last year I started a blog with blogger to place my woodworking projects on (scrolling,intarsia)and I ended up having so much fun with it that now it's a little bit photo album, a little bit pretty pix I have found on the web along with some great sites and places I have been to in cyberspace.I only learned how to turn a computer on 1 year ago this month, so if you are dragging your feet about trying this out DON'T. I do not think anyone would be sorry for doing so. I invite you to please come and check out my site and leave a comment and/or your name in my guestbook. It is so much fun to see where people are from and to get their input. Thanks!


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